Working With A Credit Insurance Specialty Broker is the Best Method
- We quote your policy with every credit insurance company.
- You benefit from our extensive experience and relationships throughout the industry.
- Our services come at no added cost.
An investment in credit insurance protects your accounts receivable from loss and facilitates the growth of your business. As your representative, United Risk makes certain you receive the most competitive policy structure, appropriate coverage and agreeable terms that the market offers.
Selecting a credit insurance policy involves more than simply comparing premiums. Credit insurance carriers have a wide variety of policy designs, underwriting goals, and administrative specifications. United Risk utilizes their lengthy experience with each carrier to custom tailor a policy suiting your needs.
United Risk has a commitment to providing excellent service and support throughout the life of your policy.
United Risk receives commission from insurance carriers. The commission is included in your premium whether a broker is used or not, so you pay no added cost for using the services of United Risk Consultants.