Call: 972-428-0226

Your Credit Insurance Specialists

Experience Counts
Nothing beats experience.  Our agency began in 1985 with the sole focus of helping our clients find and manage custom tailored credit risk management solutions using credit insurance.  In that time, we’ve built strong relationships with our clients and carriers and developed the proprietary systems and procedures that have proven over time to exceed our client’s expectations.

At United Risk, We Live Service Every Day
We understand that focused support by experienced professionals is critical to maximizing the value of your  policy.  Credit insurance is not a passive type of insurance coverage.  Your policy is a financial tool that needs to be put to work in your business if you expect to receive the best results.  We are committed to a high level of focus to help make sure that you receive the maximum value for your premium.

A True Partnership
We believe in building long-term relationships and know that it takes commitment, hard work and a sincere concern for your business to make those relationships happen.   When you make credit insurance a part of your business strategy, we will become very involved in that part of your business.

Call United Risk Consultants today at 972-428-0226